Common Home Conversations Beyond UN75 will return on January 13th. Until then, be sure to catch up on this year’s episodes!
Episodes are available now on Pandora, iHeart, Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and YouTube. Please subscribe and share!
Episode 11: Klaus Bosselmann, Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law

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During our conversation with Klaus, we discuss how we find ourselves with an outdated legal construct that does not cater to the shared enforceable responsibilities of a sovereign state towards our global environment, even though the functioning of these ecological systems is vital to our survival and how recognition of the earth system as an intangible common heritage of humankind can provide the legal and institutional means to protect the earth system as a whole.
Episode 10: Richard Ponzio, Director of the Just Security 2020 Program at the Stimson Center

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During our conversation with Richard, we discuss the climate emergency, devastating biodiversity loss, and the global health crisis. Evidence shows us how interconnected these issues are, demonstrating the need for global solidarity and action to solve these shared challenges. The Global Pact for the Environment can be the necessary instrument that leads to the ambitious changes critical to addressing our planet’s greatest challenges.
Episode 9: Prue Taylor, Deputy Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law

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During our conversation with Prue, we discuss the situation that we’re currently in with the climate crisis and the massive decline in biodiversity and ecological systems, and how it’s clear that we need fundamental change to our law and governance systems. To deny that we need change is to deny reality. And by taking the Earth System approach and applying it to the global pact, we can bring about the transformative changes we need to law and governance for the common good.
Episode 8: Hindou Ibrahim, Founder and President of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad

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During our conversation with Hindou, we discuss how we cannot talk about people without the planet, and we cannot talk about climate without people. It is our duty as global citizens to protect and respect our global commons. The proposal from the Common Home of Humanity would provide us with a way to recognize our global commons and create a system of accountancy, helping us to achieve the ambitious goals and targets needed to combat the climate crisis.
Episode 7: Kim Sang-Hyup, Founder of the Coalition for Our Common Future

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During our conversation with Sang-Hyup, we talk about how history has shown us that nation-states are born to protect the self-interest of territory, not to combat issues such as climate change that impact our global commons. While it might not be easy, we need a broader, more comprehensive approach and a new legal framework that embraces our global commons, allowing us to face these unprecedented challenges together
Episode 6: Janene Yazzie, Co-Convenor of the UN Indigenous Peoples Major Group for Sustainable Development

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During our conversation with Janene, we talk about how, despite the unprecedented circumstances with the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, history has shown us that humanity has the strength and resilience to overcome these overwhelming obstacles. By coming together to protect our common home with a Global Pact for the Environment, we can co-create a future that benefits all.
Episode 5: Karl Burkart, Co-Founder and Managing Director of One Earth

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During our conversation with Karl, we talk about how the solutions to the climate crisis already exist. By utilizing the latest science and technology, and through the protection and restoration of half of the planet’s lands and oceans, we can limit warming to 1.5°C.
Episode 4: Paulo Magalhães, Founder and President of the Common Home of Humanity

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During our conversation with Paulo, we talk about how our planet is more than a territory and by recognizing our global commons, we can give value to the intangible work of nature and take the first step to restoring a stable climate.
Episode 3: Izabella Teixeira, Co-Chair UNEP International Resource Panel

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During our conversation with Izabella, we talk about how we can create a new, inclusive way forward built on a common understanding of the shared connection between humankind, nature, and the Earth System using sustainability as the issue that brings us together.
Episode 2: María Espinosa, President of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly

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During our conversation with María, we talk about the chance to build back better post-COVID-19 through the power of cooperation, solidarity, a strong multilateral system, and a new social contract between ourselves and nature.
Episode 1: Will Steffen, Earth System Scientist

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During our conversation with Will, we take a look at a new area of science, an area of science that gives us a new way of looking at our planet and how the Earth System is highly interconnected, functioning as a single integrated system- connecting us all.
For more episodes, visit Common Home Conversations Beyond UN75